
Fuel fill cap is the only venting component on modern day fuel tanks
Fuel fill cap is the only venting component on modern day fuel tanks

fuel fill cap is the only venting component on modern day fuel tanks fuel fill cap is the only venting component on modern day fuel tanks

an unpressurized intertank that contains most of the electrical components.The ET was the largest element of the Space Shuttle, and when loaded, it was also the heaviest. They broke up before impact in the Indian Ocean (or Pacific Ocean in the case of direct-insertion launch trajectories), away from shipping lanes and were not recovered. Unlike the Solid Rocket Boosters, external tanks were not re-used. The ET was jettisoned just over 10 seconds after main engine cut-off (MECO) and it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere. During lift-off and ascent it supplied the fuel and oxidizer under pressure to the three RS-25 main engines in the orbiter. The Space Shuttle external tank ( ET) was the component of the Space Shuttle launch vehicle that contained the liquid hydrogen fuel and liquid oxygen oxidizer. The scorch mark near the front end of the tank is from the SRB separation motors. The ET from STS-115 after separation from the orbiter. NASA Michoud Assembly Facility, contractor: Martin Marietta, later Lockheed Martin 124 is lowered into high bay 1 of the Vehicle Assembly Building where it will be mated with the solid rocket boosters for mission STS-117.

Fuel fill cap is the only venting component on modern day fuel tanks